
校友講座 Alumni Talk

今年我們成功舉辦了新一期的校友講座。講者是於英國牛津大學畢業的Alpha Centre校友 Liam和於英國牛津大學畢業的Marcus導師。他們在講座中和我們的學生及家長分享他們的讀書心得和海外留學的經驗。

圖中的講者是奧立教育的舊生 (P.2-F.5)。他於英國牛津大學法律系(碩士/BCL)和香港大學法律系畢業(雙第一榮譽Dual First Class Honours)。在講座中,他和我們的家長和學生分享了如何在充滿挑戰的學習環境中(香港及海外)突圍而出,以及如何入讀自己心儀的大學。

他的座右銘是:"Where there is a will, there is a way!"

The speaker in the pictures is our former student, who graduated from the University of Oxford (Masters degree in Law) and the University of Hong Kong (dual first class honours). He was here to share with parents and students his strategies on how to succeed in school and in university.

His top tip: "Where there is a will, there is a way!"
